Health Sciences Building Management provides facility management services for Magnuson Health Sciences Center, Foege Building, Health Sciences Education Building, ARCF, and South Campus Center. HS Building Management handles access coordination, lost & found, building maintenance coordination and notifications, and other building concerns.
Contact Us
Box: 357175
Location: Magnuson Health Sciences T-283
Open Hours: 8am-11am & 1:30pm-4:00pm, Mon-Fri
Building Management FAQ
Card Access
- How do I request card access?
- Does my Husky Card give me access?
- I don’t have a Husky Card, what do I do?
- How do I order keys?
- How do I have a door rekeyed?
Photo ID
- How do I order a photo ID badge?
- I lost my photo ID badge, what do I do?
- Can I use a photo ID badge from an affiliated medical center or department?
- My office is in Health Sciences, but I see patients in the UW Medical Center. Do I have to get two photo IDs?
Building Hours
What are the building hours for Magnuson Health Sciences, Foege, Health Sciences Education Building, or South Campus Center?
Loading Docks
How do I get information about loading docks or deliveries?
- I forgot my office/lab key. Who should I contact to be let in?
- I’m a vendor or contractor and I need to be let into a room. Who should I contact?