January 20, 2017
Jennie Struijk, MEd, CHSE, invited to join the board of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare

Photo by: Visual Design & Production Photography
University of Washington Health Sciences Academic Services and Facilities (HSAS&F) is pleased to announce that Clinical Skills and Assessment Manager, Jennie Struijk, MEd, CHSE, has been invited to join the board of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) as an At-Large Director for a two-year term to begin at the 2017 International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, held January 2017 in Orlando, Florida.
SSH is a leading organization in healthcare simulation, providing opportunities for continuing education, networking, certification and site accreditation internationally:
“The Society for Simulation in Healthcare seeks to improve performance and reduce errors in patient care through the use of simulation. Established in 2004 by professionals using simulation for education, testing, and research in health care, SSH membership includes nearly 3,400 physicians, nurses, allied health and paramedical personnel, researchers, educators and developers from around the globe. SSH fosters the improvement and application of simulation– based modalities such as human patient simulators, virtual reality, standardized patients and task trainers.” (SSH 2016)
Struijk said, “I’m thrilled to be representing the University of Washington and the Standardized Patient (SP) educator community on the SSH Board, and look forward to the opportunity to work for improved patient safety outcomes by supporting the use of simulation in all levels of healthcare education and operation.” HSAS&F Clinical Skills and Assessment offers a variety of instructional services, including instructional design to support patient-student/practitioner encounter training and clinical skills and physical examination practice.
Basak Coruh, MD, University of Washington Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Medical Director reflected, “Jennie has been involved in simulation for over twenty years and has been a leader in SP education, both locally and nationally. I am continually amazed at how she trains SPs for all of the UW health sciences disciplines while also directing the OSCE for 200+ medical students. With the recent UW curriculum renewal, this has meant training SPs to independently travel to a five-state region and hold regional OSCEs. The OSCE program has greatly benefitted from Jennie’s involvement with SSH – she is always looking to bring new ideas and technology to our program.”
“Jennie spearheads the University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSOM) Standardized Patient program, which she helped build into an indispensable educational arm of the medical school curriculum”, Sara Kim, PhD, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement, UW Medicine and Research Professor, Department of Surgery shared. “The distributed nature of the WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) regional medical educational model calls for standardized and reliable methods to assess medical students’ communication and professionalism skills. Jennie has developed a cadre of highly skilled and professional standardized patients, who contribute to improving our students’ skills performance. In addition, her standardized patients have adapted to other complex roles involving conflict management skills that are taught to healthcare providers and researchers across UW Medicine. Her leadership and management skills make feasible the effective oversight of the UWSOM Standardized Patient program.”
We at HSAS&F applaud Jennie on this appointment and look forward to continued development in healthcare simulation throughout her term on the board. Learn more about HSAS&F Clinical Skills and Assessment services at hsasf.hsa.washington.edu/clinical/.